Nobody's Perfect, You Live and You Learn It

I'm not sure what's a worse message to be sending to kids: "Go ahead show a little back. Tousle your hair. Make it look like you've just finished a rigorous but satisfying rendezvous with all three Jonas Brothers" or "if you get caught exercising some bad judgment blame every one but yourself, and oh your fame hungry parents. They're innocent too."
You know what I think of Annie Lebowitz, but I'll spear her full blame on this one, and ask where the hell was her father? Busy finding other ways to ride his daughter's success out of the pop culture joke his own had become? He allows his daughter to release a statement whining "oh, I got manipulated" but where's his apology for putting his daughter in a situation where she could be easily manipulated? I really don't care, but God sometimes I'm more concerned for the lake of good role models for parents these day than those for little girls.
All this bruhaha over what is otherwise a pretty shitty photograph.
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