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Hillary Clinton may have been sort of cute back in the day. Obviously a mass right wing, anti-feminist conspiracy with roots deep inside the media establishment has suppressed all pictures of a presentable young Hillary, and only allowed photos of a her looking like some sort of androgynous, amateur folk singer in circus pants being all like "maybe I do eat paper. What's the big deal?" have been allowed out to the general public. Due to my expert skills of misspelling words in Google Image Searches I have stumbled apon the truth. Because the truth, well, it's out there.
Anyway, this discovery comes on a day when I was doing major thinking about Hillary's total fuck up in reaching out to youth voters, and how most of them aren't very aware of her accomplishments at their age. Also on the fact that Hillary's support of child's right issues and SCHIP have done more to affect their lives that anything Obama (Love him, but not as much. Hillary is the Barbara to my Bill Henrickson, while Obama is like my Margene. Chloe Sevigny is still my Nicki Grant, because I will love her most of all over anyone ever at all times) has done. It doesn't matter, because the olds in Pennsylvania love her and this is going to go on forever and ever until.... SUSPENSE
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