A boob grab gag shouldn't be exhibit A in the case for woman's humor. I've never hated a magazine cover as much as this Annie Leibovits shot cover for Vanity Fair. Besides the fact it's a dreadful image and manages to make three pretty woman look bland and washed out, it's just not funny. Nor is the
spread inside which features a dozen female comedians dressed up as tabloid trash. On pictures alone the message is woman are only funny if the jokes someone how involve their lady parts or taking down other women. Is this really the best they could come up with? If they needed visual proof that ladies are funny all they needed to do is do an homage to "I Love Lucy". So obvious, but yet not as trite as dressing Sarah Silverman up as Amy Winehouse. I'd much rather have her drunk on vitamins, or Jenna Fischer squashing grapes. Sure, the original
Christopher Hitchen's essay which this article is refuting says that Lucy's humor is an exception instead of rule, but isn't that true for both genders? How many men can you
Google Image search and find such a legacy of funny images?
The only redeeming aspect is Amy Sedaris smoking with a fake pregnancy belly. Not all that hilarious, but neither is a fake nose, and like Lucy she has that rare talent to make almost any image hilarious. A much more suiting visual exhibit that females are funny, and certainly much funnier smoking with a pregnant belly than Christopher Hitchens.

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