Up In Smoke

Whenever I feel that my occasional interest in smoking starts to become more of a primary concern I pick up a pack of American Spirit cigarettes. It's sort of like the punishment certain over zealous parents dole out to their kids when they find a beer bottle in their room; that is make them drink an entire bottle of tequila (and for the modern parent: video tape it, and put it up on youtube). I guess the traditional smoking equivalent is smoking an entire pack in one sitting, (I've always wondered what there's parents do when they find porno...) but a pack of these is just fine. They're obviously for the more advance smoker among us, with their rough taste, stubborn quality and insane amounts of nicotine. For someone who usually sticks to Marlboro 27s and the free Camel no 9s that seem to be everywhere (bitch cigs, but such a nice box) it's all a little much. That's my American Spirit: if its too hard, give up.
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