Like A Comet Blazing 'Cross The Evening Sky: Gone Too Soon

While Giuliani was single handidly removing all of the "creepy" from Times Square he accidently absorbed mass amounts of the quality. Perhaps, this deprived us forever of the hilarity his full scale campaign was sure to unleash. Honestly though, what a bizarre run. A national early lead didn't translate to a single primary win, and put his reputation and background through the ringer. He was better off with most of Americans having fond memories of the mayor.
I used to look at him and remember that time on SNL after 9/11 when Lorne Michaels was like "Can we be funny now?" and Rudy said "Why Start Now?". Yeah IDK, but that's a lot better than "Omg you married your cousin?".
Oh, Rudy. You tried, you really did. But you failed. No more cleaning up strip joints for you.
Maybe if he actually came down with some clorox and windex and cleaned up our strip joints he would have won.
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